Olie® Naturals New Beginnings® Probiotic

New Beginnings® Process

The lactic acid bacteria are cultured under ideal conditions in a medium of pristine water, organic molasses and herbs. Each ingredient is selected for purity and vitality. The ingredients are gently fermented during the production time and in this process all the molasses sugar is converted into organic acids, which naturally preserves the product and makes it sugar free.


European Certified Organic  

The EU organic logo indicates that this product is in full conformity with the conditions and regulations for the organic farming sector established by the European Union.


What are probiotics?

Probiotics are microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed. The term probiotic is currently used to name ingested microorganisms associated with beneficial effects to humans and other animals. Commonly known benefits of probiotics include the decrease of potentially pathogenic gastro-intestinal microorganisms; the reduction of gastro-intestinal discomfort; the strengthening of the immune system; the improvement of the skin's function; the improvement of bowel regularity; the strengthening of the resistance to cedar pollen allergens; the decrease in body pathogens; the reduction of flatulence and bloating; the protection of DNA; the protection of proteins and lipids from oxidative damage; and the maintaining of individual intestinal microbiota in subjects receiving antibiotic treatment.

Introducing New Beginnings®

New Beginnings® Probiotic microorganisms are produced through a biological fermentation process, in which carefully chosen lactic acid bacteria are fermented with molasses and herbs. This lactic acid fermentation involves subjecting cultures of 8 different strains of lactic acid bacteria with sugarcane molasses and herbs, which provides a source of nourishment for the microorganisms, which then activates them to a live state and makes the lactic acid microorganisms multiply at a high rate. The sugar and herbs are through this process converted into lactic acid and acetic acid, making the final composition entirely sugar free. The acids in New Beginnings which the bacteria create in the fermentation process are crucial in regulating the all-important pH-value in the stomach and intestines. These organic acids are beneficial for a long  list of functions  in the  intestines.  They  help to maintain  a  physical barrier. in the colon and they stimulate the immune response. The lactic acid makes the New Beginnings® Probiotics self-preserving, and when the last of the sugar in the molasses is gone, the fermentation process is complete and the product is sugar-free, and thereby eliminating the need to add any preservatives.  The final product entirely free of any preservatives.

Why are probiotics so important?

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms (good bacteria) that in adequate amounts provide multiple health benefits to both the digestive and immune systems. Our ancestors obtained these beneficial bacteria from living closer to nature and from their diets. Today's modern day living, diet and medications may compromise these microorganisms, affecting their essential work in establishing whole body health. New Beginnings® natural fermentation process creates a living system that offers modern families a unique, natural food approach to the beneficial world of probiotics.

How does New Beginnings® liquid probiotic drink differ from pills and powder?

More contemporary choices of Probiotic supplements would in most cases be referring to probiotic pills and powder. The probiotic microorganisms in pills and powder comes in a dehydrated, freeze-dried state, in which the bacteria are dormant and not active. The idea behind this dehydration process is to preserve the microorganisms throughout their shelf life. The result of this is a composition with inactive probiotics that first need a source of nourishment before being able to provide beneficial qualities, and no lactic acids - and as a result, a non-acidic PH-value, likely making them less able to resist and survive in our natural stomach acids. The migration of beneficial bacteria into our intestinal microflora is crucial when it comes to consuming probiotics, and our stomach acids are specifically designed to eradicate incoming foreign bacteria.

This crucial point is what differentiates New Beginnings® living probiotics. New Beginnings® probiotics are activated through our lactic acid fermentation, a process in which the lactic acid probiotic microorganisms are pre-nourished, and convert sugars and herbs into lactic and acetic acids. This  fermentation  process is an emulation of a natural  digestive  process  that  occurs in our digestive system, in which plant fibres, sugars and carbohydrates that we consume provides our intestinal lactic acid bacteria with nourishment, produces vital organic acids from these consumptions  to support our  stomachs low pH acidic environment, and helps us digest these sugars and carbohydrates. This means that our lactic acid fermentation process  can almost be described  as a “pre-digestion” process.  The end result is a composition of multiplying living probiotics, producing lactic and acetic acids, and contained in a pro-acidic low pH-value compound. This is what makes New Beginnings® probiotics provide a more immediate effect on the consumer, and resistant to our stomach acids.

When is New Beginnings® best taken?

New Beginnings® can be consumed at any time of the day. Some individuals prefer it on an empty stomach, while others prefer it during meals. For some, small amounts are sufficient, while others benefit from taking it several times a day.

What herbs are used in New Beginnings®?

New Beginnings® contains extracts from Organic Aniseed dry, Organic Fennel seed dry, Organic Liquorice dry, Organic Anthriscus cerefolium leaf, Organic Chamomilla recutita flower, Organic Dill herb, Organic Elder flower absolute, Organic Fenugreek, Organic Ginger root, Organic Greater nettle herb powder, Organic Juniper, Organic Mentha piperita leaf, Organic Oleoresin basil, Organic Oleoresin parsley leaf, Organic Origanum vulgare leaf, Organic Rosmarinus officinalis leaf, Organic Salvia officinalis leaf,  and Organic Thymus vulgaris.

What is fermentation?

Fermentation is a process where bacteria preserve foods by converting one substance to another. The fermentation process in New Beginnings® can continue for a short while after bottling which results in pressure being released when opened. This is normal.

How does your system absorb nutrients?

The main part of the nutrient uptake takes place in the small intestine. The small intestine has a collective surface area of 300 square meters, and is rippled and covered by villi. When food reaches the small intestine, the digestive enzymes have split the food into the smallest possible components, which are now ready to be absorbed. The intestinal mucosa only allows special “carrier proteins” to pass through. These proteins bind themselves to the nutrients in the intestine, and carry them through the intestinal wall. This mechanism prevents potentially harmful substances from being absorbed. This fine balance can be disrupted in different ways, e.g. by harmful substances mimicking harmless substances, and hypersensitivities as celiac disease and lactose intolerance can make the intestinal wall thin and penetrable. Fungal infections such as an overgrowth of Candida or a large consumption of alcohol or chili can cause microscopic penetrations in the intestinal wall, known as Leaky Gut syndrome, and these allow harmful substances, pathogenic bacteria and undigested food particles to enter the system, which causes an inflammatory reaction. This usually has vast consequences for the body.

The ecosystem in your stomach

You probably don’t think about it in your daily life, but you have an incredibly advanced ecosystem in your intestine. It helps you digest your food, absorb nutrients and keep illnesses away. The immune system, the digestive function and the intestinal micro-flora form the basis of a well-functioning ecosystem. The foods passage through the different sections of the digestive system is intricately choreographed in a system, where all details are attuned and follow a predetermined pattern, which secures an optimal nutrient absorption and living conditions for the micro-flora. When the micro-flora has optimal conditions, so does our immune system. A well-functioning ecosystem in the intestine is therefore essential for our quality of life and our survival.

A modern way of life can take its toll on the ecosystem, and that may lead to an unfavourable unbalance. But luckily there is a lot that you can do to take care of your ecosystem and make sure it is in balance. And it is essential to maintain the balance in the micro-flora, so take good care of it!

The role of microorganisms in the nutrition

Not all carbohydrates can be used by the intestine. A large part of the carbohydrates in vegetables consists of plant fibers, which are difficult to digest and therefore they are undigested when they reach the small intestine. Lactic acid bacteria on the other hand, thrive on plant fibers, which they convert to organic acids that benefit the intestine.Depending on the species, the lactic acid bacteria also produce B-vitamin, K-vitamin, substances, which are toxic to pathogens, and a wide variety of beneficial substances.This way a healthy intestinal flora helps to ensure a far more efficient use of the food, than the body is capable of doing on its own.

Your immune system

Our immune system ensures that no harmful microorganisms or particles enter and hurt the body. The system is a complex cooperation between cells, organs, and different types of proteins. The immune system is often divided into two; the innate immune system and the acquired immune system.

The innate immune system

The innate immune system is the inherited defence, which is the part of the body from birth. This part of the immune system reacts as soon as it detects anything, which is not a part of the body itself. It does not distinguish between the different degrees of threats, but strikes with equal force every time. For this reason it is also known as the unspecific immune system. It reacts relatively slowly, and time is valuable, if the body is attacked by e.g. pathogenic (disease causing, harmful) bacteria, which multiplies rapidly.

The acquired immune system

Opposite the innate immune system, the acquired immune system is under constant development.Every time we face a new microorganism, the body notes whether the microorganism is pathogenic or not, so the body can produce the antibodies, which are necessary for eradicating it. If the body has been in contact with a pathogenic microorganism once, it will have tailor-made “ammunition” ready, should it return. Therefore this part of the immune system is quick to respond to incoming threats.

The different parts of the innate immune system are:

• Macrophages: Are found in the tissue. When they encounter intruding bacteria, they initiate an infection response, like blushing, heat and swelling (in an isolated area).

• Natural killer cells: Recognize cells, which contain virus and kill them.

• Neutrophil granulocytes: Live for a short period of time and eat the intruding microorganisms, which create pus.

• Dendritic cell: Acts as a sort of gatekeepers, which capture the intruding microorganisms and transport them to the nearest lymph node, where the acquired immune system is located.

• Acute phase-proteins: A group of different proteins, which support the other processes e.g. by attaching to the surface of the pathogenic cells and “brand” or harm them.

The acquired immune system consists of:

• T-cells: Localize and attack intruding cells

• B-cells: Produce antibodies


The role of micro-flora in the immune system:

The beneficial microorganisms in the intestine work to protect the body. Many of them produce substances, which are toxic to pathogenic bacteria, and generally beneficial intestinal bacteria produce lactic and acetic acid, which make the environment in the intestine uninhabitable to pathogenic bacteria.

Another important quality of the micro-flora is its ability to compete with pathogenic bacteria for adhesion locations on the intestinal mucosa and for nutrients. In this way the micro-flora contributes significantly to inhibiting the proliferation of intruding microorganisms.

What is intestinal flora and what does it do?

Through the close contact with the intestinal wall, they stimulate the dendritic cell on the other side to produce substances, which are toxic to pathogenic bacteria.Some probiotic bacteria furthermore produce toxins themselves. The tightly weaved layer of beneficial bacteria is practically an extra mucosa, which controls what enters the intestine and the body. Some types of bacteria can even alter the genes of the intestinal cells, so that they provide the bacteria with a specific kind of feed.

The intestinal flora is adhered to the colonic mucosa and form a thin layer on the inside of the intestinal wall. It forms an immense network of cell, which communicate with each other and with the cells in the mucosa. In a healthy intestinal flora they occupy the physical space, so that unwanted bacteria can not come into contact with the intestinal wall.By producing lactic and acetic acid, the lactic acid bacteria lower the pH-value locally in the intestine (acidifying it), so putrefaction bacteria and fungi cannot get a foothold.

The intestinal flora and mental health

One of the large neural pathways, the vagus nerve, connects the intestine directly to the brain. The vagus nerve is connected to the part of the brain, which regulates emotions, and which is involved in the development of depression and anxiety. Through this two-way connection the brain and the intestine communicate with each other and an unhealthy intestinal flora can cause stress, sleep deprivation, sugar cravings and fatigue.Conversely, scientific tests show that the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus can reduce anxiety and stress. The nerves system, the endocrine system and the immune system are in close contact with the intestine and are affected by the microorganisms. Many of the bacteria in the intestinal flora are harmless and basically without function. Many are, however, invaluable and active in bodily functions and by consuming probiotic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria daily, it is possible to support and even re-establish a healthy intestinal flora.

The most common bacterial species in the intestinal flora:

Streptococcus Thermophilus is a beneficial streptococcal bacterium, which degrades lactose in milk and dampens the discomfort in people with lactose intolerance. Furthermore it increases the amount of acid in the intestine.

Bifidobacterium produces B-vitamin and inhibits the growth of e.g. fungi.

Escherichia produces K-vitamin, which is necessary for blood coagulation, and it lives of plant fibers, which are indigestible by the body.

Lactobacillus is a group of bacteria, which increases the amount of acid in the intestine, thereby inhibiting pathogenic bacteria.


How to support the intestinal flora.

This means that many of the traditional foods and food preparation methods have been abandoned, where new have arrived, and thus also that fermented products and lactic acid bacteria are disappearing from our everyday-life.


The word “fermentation” is used about processes, where microorganisms convert one substance to another. It is known from yeast converting sugar to alcohol, from vinegar fungus converting alcohol to vinegar, and from lactic acid bacteria converting carbohydrates to lactic acid.

Quite complicated substances are created in the process, as is the case with penicillin, which is naturally produced by a mold fungus that grows on oranges, and human insulin, which can be produced in large quantities by a gene-manipulation of bacteria.

The intestinal flora is constantly being influenced through lifestyle and diet. Especially antibiotic treatment, smoking, alcohol, sleep deprivation, stress and malnutrition affect the bacterial population negatively. Conversely, good habits are essential to rebuild a healthy intestinal flora.In earlier times, fermented products, the common source of lactic acid bacteria, were a natural part of any household, but a modern lifestyle in many cases also means a discarding and re-invention of traditions.

Illness starts in the Intestines

Human T-cells in the intestine meet three of the body’s most powerful regulatory systems; the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system.Doctor Jørgen Valeur has worked with the correlation between illness and the intestine for many years. Based on his extensive work, he argues that it is obvious that the intestinal flora influences the entire system. The majority of the body’s immune cells and the hormone producing cells are related to the gut. The perception that the gut is a closed system belongs to the past. The intestinal bacteria communicate with cells of the intestinal wall and are to some extent able to “program” the body’s cells.

Poisoning the intestines

The human intestinal flora has deteriorated in modern time, in relation to amounts but also to the composition of bacteria. Analysis of the stomach contents from mummies and fossilized feces compared to modern stool samples show a clear development, where toxins and harmful substances are more and more present.Pathogenic bacteria produce harmful substances, which affect the beneficial microorganisms but also enter the body through the bloodstream. The same can be said about remains of pesticides from plants, antibiotics from meat and additives from food. This poisoning of the intestinal environment has for many years been seen as the main culprit for many diseases that usually would not be associated with the digestion and the intestine.

Bacteria in the treatment of illness

The researcher Jeffrey Gordon has shown that thin and obese mice have different gut flora. He transferred the intestinal bacteria from the obese mice to thin mice, which then quickly became obese. Other studies show that the intestinal flora of autistic children is different than that of children of a similar age. A number of trials have determined that chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are affected positively by a treatment with lactic acid bacteria.

A healthy intestinal flora can prevent allergies and inflammatory conditions, while an unhealthy can cause illnesses where the immune system overreacts and the body initiates an attack on itself (autoimmune illnesses). This is seen in illnesses such as arthritis, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. These discoveries may have great consequences for the way that people are treated for illnesses.

Functional microorganisms transform the chemical constituents of raw materials of plant/animal sources during food fermentation thereby enhancing the bio-availability of nutrients, enriching sensory quality of the food, imparting bio-preservative effects and improvement of food safety, degrading toxic components and anti-nutritive factors, producing antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds, stimulating the probiotic functions, and fortifying with some health-promoting bioactive compounds (Tamang et al., 2009, 2016; Farhad et al., 2010; Bourdichon et al., 2012; Thapa and Tamang, 2015).

Lactic acid bacteria present in fermented foods may decrease number of incidence, duration and severity of some gastrointestinal disorders (Verna and Lucak, 2010). Administration of some strains of Lactobacillus improves the inflammatory bowel disease, paucities and ulcerative colitis (Orel and Trop, 2014). L. rhamnosus GG is effective in the treatment of acute diarrhea (Szajewska et al., 2007) and administration of L. helveticus-fermented milk in healthy older adults produced improvements in cognition function (Chung et al., 2014). Consumption of fermented milk products containing live bacteria has immunomodulation capacity (Granier et al., 2013), and cures diarrhea (Balamurugan et al., 2014). Korean kimchi is suitable for control of inflammatory bowel diseases (Lim et al., 2011).

Citation: Tamang JP, Shin D-H, Jung S-J and Chae S-W (2016) Functional Properties of Microorganisms in Fermented Foods. Front. Microbiol. 7:578. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00578


Modern advances in chemical preservation, refrigeration, and transportation efficiency have not resulted in the abandonment of fermented foods. At least in traditional dietary practices, fermented foods and beverages remain widespread, currently accounting for approximately one-third of the human diet globally [7]. Moreover, as scientists continue to uncover health-promoting properties of ancestral dietary patterns (for example, the Mediterranean diet, the traditional Japanese diet, and hunter-gatherer diets), by extension there is a renewed examination of the fermented foods that are so often a part of such ancient diets [8]. Emerging research, as reviewed here, indicates that fermentation may magnify the known benefits of a wide variety of foods and herbs, influencing the bioavailability and activity of the chemical constituents. In addition, as our knowledge of the human microbiome increases (the intestinal microbiota in particular), it is becoming increasingly clear that there are untold connections between the ways in which microbes act upon dietary items pre-consumption, and in turn, the ways in which these fermented dietary items influence our own microbiota.

Selhub EM, Logan AC, Bested AC. Fermented foods, microbiota, and mental health: ancient practice meets nutritional psychiatry. Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 2014;33(1):2. doi:10.1186/1880-6805-33-2.


Modern lifestyles tend to impose stress on systems genetically adapted over millions of years. The consumption of food containing microorganisms has dramatically reduced, and as a consequence, the developing mucosal immune systems are faced with different microflora, particularly fewer pathogens than paleolithic man. Increases in observed incidence and severity of allergies and conditions such as IBD in the Western world have been linked with increases in standards of hygiene and sanitation, which have occurred concomitantly with decreases in the number and range of infectious challenges encountered by the growing and developing host. This lack of immune education impairs the development of the immune system and allows the host to over-react to non-pathogenic antigen-containing commensal flora, resulting in inflammatory damage, allergy and/or autoimmunity [51]. To combat these trends directly, the World Health Organisation currently advocates the implementation of alternative disease control strategies, such as exploiting the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of probiotic bacteria [52]. Most of these probiotic microorganisms, isolated from such sources as faeces of healthy individuals, are safe for human consumption and are available over the counter. Because of continued scepticism of such products, European Union funded research groups including medical, scientific and industrial interests, have agreed on criteria for selection and assessment of probiotics.

Co-evolution led to a symbiotic relationship between eukaryotes and prokaryotes with the development of sophisticated by-directional signaling systems of mucosal epithelia and lymphocytes in the intestinal tract [51]. It is estimated that over 400 species of bacteria, separated into two broad categories, namely beneficial (e.g., Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus) and those considered detrimental (e.g., Enterobacteriaceae and Clostridium spp.) inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract. Bacterial end products of fermentation are essential mucosal nutrients including amino acids (arginine, cysteine and glutamine) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA: acetate, propionate and butyrate) [51]. These SCFAs serve as an energy source for the host, providing 10–30% of basal metabolic requirements including energy for liver cells, colonocytes and peripheral tissues with only about 5% excreted in the feces [51]. Besides fermentation, the metabolic products of the microflora includes vitamins K and B complex, secondary bile acid production, neutralization of dietary carcinogens such as nitrosamines, and conversion to active metabolites of some prodrugs. The indigenous intestinal (autochthonous) microbiota act as a further barrier against any transient (allochthonous) potential pathogens by competing for nutrients and mucosal adherence and by production of antigens (bacteriocins), which are active against pathogens. Furthermore, it has been clearly established that the gastrointestinal flora are essential for mucosal protection and immune education as it has been described as the most adaptable and renewable metabolic organ of the body. The composition and activities of gastrointestinal flora affect both intestinal and systemic physiology. The complex gastrointestinal microbial load is required for normal development and homeostasis of the humoral and cellular immune system. It is the interaction between the mucosal immune system and the enteric microflora which maintains the physiologically normal state or activation of immune organ, the latter resulting in secretion of antibodies against harmful antigens (pathogenic microorganisms) [51].

Cencic A, Chingwaru W. The Role of Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Food Supplements in Intestinal Health. Nutrients. 2010;2(6):611-625. doi:10.3390/nu2060611.


Scientific Research - New Beginnings

The processes required for fermented foods were present on earth when man appeared on the scene… When we study these foods, we are in fact studying the most intimate relationships between man, microbe and foods.’ [1]

Prof. Keith H. Steinkraus, Cornell University, 1993

To understand how probiotics work, it is important to understand a little about the physiology, microbiology of GI tract and the digestive process. The digestive process begins as soon as food enters the mouth and to stomach, the microbes present in the GI tract have the potential to act in a favourable, a deleterious or a neutral manner. Microbes in small intestine and in the large intestine complete the digestion process.

Certain intestinal microbes are known to produce vitamins and they are nonpathogenic, their metabolism is non-putrefactive, and their presence is correlated with a healthy intestinal flora. The metabolic end products of their growth are organic acids (lactic and acetic acids) that tend to lower the pH of the intestinal contents, creating conditions less desirable for harmful bacteria. Probiotics may also influence other protective functions of the intestinal mucosa including synthesis and secretion of antibacterial peptides, mucins. The GI tract also serves as a large mucosal surface that bridges the gap between ‘inside the body’ and ‘outside the body’. Along this mucosal interface, microbes and foreign antigens colonizing or passing through the GI tract interact with important components of the immune system. This interaction serves to prime or stimulate the immune system for optimal functioning. Normal microbial inhabitants of the GI tract also reinforce the barrier function of the intestinal lining, decreasing ‘translocation’ or passage of bacteria or antigens from the intestine into the blood stream. This function has been suggested to decrease infections and possibly allergic reactions to food antigens.

Lactic acid bacteria are known to release various enzymes and vitamins into the intestinal lumen. This exert synergistic effects on digestion, alleviating symptoms of intestinal malabsorption, and produced lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the intestinal content and helps to inhibit the development of invasive pathogens such as Salmonella spp. or strains of E. coli (Mallett et al. 1989; Mack et al. 1999). Bacterial enzymatic hydrolysis may enhance the bioavailability of protein and fat (Fernandes et al. 1987) and increase the production of free amino acids, short chain fatty acids (SCFA), lactic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid are also produced by lactic acid bacteria. When absorbed these SCFAs contribute to the available energy pool of the host (Rombeau et al. 1990; Rolfe 2000) and may protect against pathological changes in the colonic mucosa (Leavitt et al. 1978; Leopold and Eileler 2000). SCFA concentration helps to maintain an appropriate pH in the colonic lumen, which is critical in the expression of many bacterial enzymes and in foreign compound and carcinogen metabolism in the gut (Mallett et al. 1989).

In addition to nutrient synthesis, the action of micro-organisms either during the preparation of cultured foods or in the digestive tract can, to a limited extent, improve the digestibility of some dietary nutrients. Several lines of evidence show that the appropriate strain of lactic acid bacteria, in adequate amounts, can alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance. Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other lactobacilli used in fermented milk products deliver enough bacterial lactase to the intestine and stomach where lactose is degraded to prevent symptoms in lactase nonpersistent individuals (Kilara and Shahani 1975; Martini et al. 1991).

Probiotic supplementation has both direct and indirect effects. Probiotics exhibit direct effects locally in the GI tract, including modulation of resident bacterial colonies and vitamin production. There are also indirect effects exerted at sites outside the GI tract, including the joints, lungs, and skin. Indirect effects most likely result from an impact on immunity, via changes in inflammatory mediators such as cytokines. Modulation of inflammatory responses may be related to regulating or modulating the immune system both locally in the GI tract.

It is speculated that inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis may be modulated by the use of probiotics (Marteau et al. 2001). Thirty patients with chronic juvenile arthritis were randomly allocated to receive Lactobacillus GG or bovine colostrum for a 2-week period (Malin et al. 1997). Immunological and nonimmunological gut defences were investigated in blood and faeces. It has been observed by different researchers that gut defence mechanisms are disturbed in chronic juvenile arthritis and suggested orally administered Lactobacillus GG has potential to reinforce mucosal barrier mechanisms in this disorder. When inflammed, the GI tract becomes permeable and serves as a link between inflammatory diseases of the GI tract and extra-inflammatory disorders such as arthritis. Modulation or downregulation of the immune system and subsequent reduction in GI permeability can result from consuming probiotics (Yukuchi et al. 1992; Vanderhoof 2000).

The potential of probiotics to control allergic inflammation at an early age was assessed in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. The results provide the first clinical demonstration of specific probiotic strains modifying the changes related to allergic inflammation. The data further indicate that probiotics may counteract inflammatory responses beyond the intestinal milieu. The combined effects of these probiotic strains will guide infants through the weaning period, when sensitization to newly encountered antigens is initiated (Mack et al. 1999; Vanderhoof 2000).

In spite of inherent difficulties establishing good measures of probiotic efficacy (Rolfe 2000), studies on lactose intolerance, diarrhoea and colon cancer show that a daily dose of lactic acid bacteria is needed for any measurable effect (Rembacken et al. 1999).

Parvez, S., Malik, K.A., Ah Kang, S. and Kim, H.-Y. (2006), Probiotics and their fermented food products are beneficial for health. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100: 1171–1185. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2006.02963.x

Adams MR. 1999. Safety of industrial lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Biotechnology. 68: 171-178.  

Bourlioux P, Koletzko B, Guarner F og Braesco V. 2003. The Intelligent Intestine. Am J Clin Nutr. 78: 675-83.

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Corthesy B, Gaskins H Rex og Mercenier A. 2007. Cross-Talk between Probiotic Bacteria and the Host Immune System. J. Nutr. 137: 781S-790S.

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Heyman M og Menard S. 2002. Review. Probiotic microorganisms: how they affect intestinal pathophysiology. Cellular and Molecular Life Science. 59: 1151-1165.

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Rescigno M, Urbano M, Valzasina B, Francolini M, Rotta G, Bonasio R, Granucci F, Kraehenbuhl JP, Ricciard-Castagnoli P. 2001. Dendritic cells express tight junction proteins and penetrate gut epithelial monolayers to sample bacteria. Nat. Immunol. 2 (4): 361-7.

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New Beginnings® contains 7 different strains of lactic acid bacteria cultures, which have been chosen specifically for their properties and health-improving capabilities. In the following, the strains are described.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Through thousands of years, Lactobacillus Acidophilus have evolved in close interaction with the human gut, where it effectively promotes the immune system. It is one of the lactic acid bacteria we've known the longest in research and industry since it was isolated around the year 1900.


L. Acidophilus primarily produces lactic acid. It lives of different types of sugar, and only thrives in an anaerobic (oxygen free) environment. The rod-shaped bacteria are linked together in pairs or in short chains. The optimal temperature for L. Acidophilus is 37 degrees Celsius, which makes the human organism the ideal host. It is one of the most common microorganisms in the small intestine and the mouth. It is popular in industrial production of dairy products.


L. Acidophilus is a probiotic microorganism. This means that it has thoroughly documented health-promoting abilities. For instance, it produces vitamin K and its ability to produce substances, which are toxic to pathogens, has made it effective towards infections by e.g. E. Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter. Furthermore, it is especially effective in inhibiting the candida-fungus from thriving and spawning. Studies are also being conducted to determine, whether they have an inhibitory effect on cancer cells. It is aggressive towards microorganisms, which are harmful for the intestine, and inhibit them by adhering to them and by “strangling” them. It is generally effective towards diarrhea, which is common when travelling and antibiotic-induced. Multiple studies have indicated that it has an inhibitory effect on breast-cancer, promotes the degradation of fat and reduces lactose intolerance.


Bifidobacterium Lactis

Bifidobacterium Lactis is the most present bacterial species in the microbiome in the human colon. It can be found in the intestine of all mammals, where it is the foundation for the absorption of nutrients and protects the body from intruding bacteria.


The individual bacteria are shaped as small rods that are sometimes branched and they usually only live under anaerobic conditions. It is mostly found naturally in the mouth, rectum and the vagina in humans. It converts simple carbohydrates into acetic acid, lactic acid, vitamin B and substances that are toxic to harmful bacteria. Bifidobacterium Lactis is used in the production of fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir.


Bifidobacterium Lactis is a probiotic microorganism, which is regarded as essential in the maintenance of a healthy intestinal function and digestion. People, who for some reason have a weak population of Bifidobacterium, will typically suffer from infections and digestive problems on a more regular basis than others.  Bifidobacterium Lactis acidifies the environment in the intestine, which complicates the living conditions of pathogenic bacteria, and furthermore it produces substances which are toxic to pathogenic microorganisms, thus inhibiting growth e.g. fungi as Candida.Studies have shown that an increased consumption of Bifidobacterium Lactis provides a greater resistance to infections and diarrhoea, and reduces susceptibility to colds and flu.  Studies have also indicated that it plays a significant part in combatting cancer cells. Pathogenic bacteria in the intestine convert nitrate to nitrite, which has proven to be carcinogenic, and Bifidobacterium Lactis can significantly reduce this conversion.

Bifidobacterium Lactis furthermore assists in the degrading of undigested proteins, when it reaches the colon. Putrefaction bacteria are hereby prevented in degrading the protein to harmful substances.


Bifidobacterium Longum

As is the case with Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bifidobacterium Longum is one of the most dominant microbial residents of the colonic microbiota, where it is the foundation for the absorption of nutrients and protects the body from intruding bacteria.


Bifidobacterium Longum is gram positive, non-spore forming, anaerobic, and pleomorphic bacilli. They have various shapes, including short, curved rods, club-shaped rods and bifurcated Y-shaped rods. They convert simple carbohydrates into lactic acid, and oligosaccharides to carbon and energy. Bifidobacterium Longum is used in the production of fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir.


B. longum has anti-inflammatory properties that protect the cells lining the mucous membranes from toxins and help immune cells to mature so they can function properly. B. Longum is also present in breast milk, and is one of the first microbes to colonize the infant gut.Various research studies have been conducted regarding the health effects of B. Longum, and researchers have concluded from these studies that B. Longum may minimize the effects of or prevent the following: Gastrointestinal upset, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, pathogen infections, seasonal allergies, possible weight maintenance, bone health, colon cancer prevention and cholesterol-lowering.


Lactobacillus Casei

Lactobacillus Casei is a probiotic microorganism, which prevents the growth of putrefaction bacteria in the small intestine, and it is primarily used in the production of fermented dairy products.


L. Casei is a rod-shaped bacterium that forms long chains. Like the other lactic acid bacteria, it feeds on carbohydrates, preferably glucose and fructose. However, unlike many of the other lactic acid bacteria, L. Casei only produce lactic acid. It is found naturally in the human oral cavity and intestine. It thrives in both aerobic and anaerobic environments, and is therefore found everywhere in nature. It thrives at temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees, making the intestine an ideal environment.


There are significant beneficial effects by increasing the consumption of L. Casei. The bacterium has an overall beneficial effect on digestion. It suppresses intruding pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine and has inhibitory effects on inflammation. It normalizes the stomach, which prevents both diarrhea and constipation. Studies proved that it has a direct effect on the immune system, as it communicates with the intestinal wall. It can also reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria, which adhere to the intestinal wall. This property, along with the ability to suppress the E. Coli, has shown promising results in the treatment of Crohn's disease patients.


Lactococcus Lactis

Lactococcus Lactis thrives in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions and can be found on plants, animals and humans. It is inactive when in aerobic conditions, but is activated when it enters the intestine, where it converts carbohydrate to lactic acid.


L. Lactis is used for the production of fermented products, e.g. beer and wine, but is particularly popular in cheese production. It can feed on a variety of different sugars.


L. Lactis is particularly interesting in the development of new types of vaccines because of its ability to communicate with the immune system through the mucosa.

L. Lactis produces nisin, which cannot be produced artificially, and which suppresses pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococci, listeria and clostridium. Multiple studies have shown that the bacteria are effective in the treatment of Crohn´s disease.


Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

L. Rhamnosus was originally regarded as a sub-species of L. casei, but research later found it to be a separate species, and as of 1989 its taxonomic name changed from L. casei subsp. Rhamnosus to L. Rhamnosus.


L. Rhamnosus is most commonly found in the female urinary tract and assists in inhibiting dysbiotic bacterial overgrowth during an active infection. L. Rhamnosus sometimes is used in yogurt and dairy products such as fermented and un-pasteurized milk and semi-hard cheese.


Studies involving L. Rhamnosus suggest that supplementation could lessen anxiety or ease symptoms of depression and significant benefits in mood health. Studies have also shown that taking L. Rhamnosus counteracts weight gain and diabetes, and research is examining the benefits as a treatment for gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome and seasonal allergies, such as hay fever.


Lactobacillus Salivarius

Lactobacillus Salivarius is a probiotic bacterium, which plays an important role in human health. L. Salivarius is found in the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract.


L.Salivarius is a Gram-positive, non-spore forming, homofermentative rod and is a common inhabitant of the human intestinal tract and urogenital surfaces. Strains of this species are today widely used in probiotic formulations, both for human and animal application.


L. Salivarius suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibits bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Lactobacillus Salivarius can help in relieving gastrointestinal problems like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome and lactose-intolerance. It is furthermore effective in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, maintaining dental health by reducing cavities and gingivitis, and inhibiting candida and pathogenic bacteria like E. coli & Salmonella spp.


Organic acids

Natural protectionOrganic acids play a significant role in the body. The beneficial bacteria in the intestine produce a range of organic acids as part of their way of competing for space. The acidic environment inhibits pathogenic bacteria from thriving, while it provides optimal conditions for beneficial bacteria, such as lactic acid bacteria.

Pathogenic bacteria are usually putrefaction bacteria. In contrast to beneficial bacteria, they thrive in an alkaline environment. Putrefaction bacteria produce substances, for instance ammonia, which neutralizes acid and lessen the acidity. Ammonia is toxic to the body and in high concentrations it affects the central nervous system.

A large consumption of antacid medicine can disrupt the acid/alkaline balance, and antibiotic treatments can kill the intestinal lactic acid bacteria to an extent, where not enough acid is produced. Both of these scenarios enable fungi and pathogenic bacteria to take control.


Fatty acids and intestinal health

Organic acids are part of the group of nutrients, which are called short-chained fatty acids. Approximately 2-10 % of the body´s energy needs are covered by fatty acids. The main part of them come from the diet, and a large part of these are formed by the beneficial bacteria by degrading the indigestible dietary fibers to acids, such as lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, propionic acid and succinic acid. The intestines depend on these acids to maintain a healthy environment. The colonic mucosa is solely nurtured by butyric acid, and acetic acid stimulates the blood flow and bowel movement, which ensures the foods flow through the system. Propionic acid helps the liver to produce energy, and lactic acid is used as a signal substance in the microbiome´s cooperation with the immune system.

In OLIE NATURALS NEW BEGINNINGS® the microorganisms live in a solution of organic acids. In that way the acids benefit the system even before the microorganisms adhere to the intestinal wall.

OLIE NATURALS NEW BEGINNINGS® contains lactic acid and acetic acid, which are so-called carboxylic acids.

Carboxylic acids are organic connection, which contains a carboxylic group (CO2H). The normal chemical formula of a carboxylic acid is R-CO2H, where R refers to the rest of the molecule. Carboxylic acids are found everywhere and include amino acid lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid.


Lactic acid

Lactic acid is a carboxylic acid with the chemical name C3H6O3. Lactic acid is primarily known, because a long range of organisms form it under anaerobe (oxygen free) conditions by a conversion of glucose.

Lactic acid has many beneficial effects, partially as an anti-microbial and –fungal substance, but also as energy supply for muscle cells, heart and brain.Lactic acid is primarily known from dairy products, where it is produced by members of the bacterial families Lactobacillus or Bifido, though it is possible to produce it from a fermentation of lactose.

Lactic acid is also formed by the muscles´ in the production of lactate under anaerobe conditions, as it occurs in a sudden energy release in which the body can not manage to record a quantity of oxygen that can match the increased oxygen demand.

Lactic acid is also used as a pH-stabilizer or as a preservative, because the acid has properties, which make it an antioxidant, or for the control of pathogenic microorganisms. Lactic acid can also be used as fermentation amplifier in rye and sourdough bread.The purpose of an intake of lactic acid is that it stabilizes the pH-value and that it is used as a signal substance in the microbiome´s cooperation with the immune system.


Acetic acid

Acetic acid has the chemical name CH3COOH, and it is known as the ingredient in vinegar, which gives it its acidic taste and sharp odor. It is, however, also used because of its preservative abilities, as it creates an acidic environment, which suppresses pathogenic microorganisms.

Acetic acid is used in production of everything from soda bottles to glue, and also as a descaling agent. In food production, acetic acid is used as an acidifier under the additive code E260.

The purpose of an intake of acetic acid is that it stabilizes the pH-value and that it stimulates the blood flow and bowel movements, which ensures the foods flow through the system.

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