Olie® Naturals Coconut Oil

Excerpts from The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife

Page 68 - One of the most amazing aspects about coconut oil is its ability to fight infections.  When coconut oil is eaten, the body transforms its unique fatty acids into powerful antimicrobial defense forces capable of defeating some of the most notorious disease-causing microorganisms.  Even super-germs are vulnerable to these lifesaving coconut derivatives.  The unique properties of coconut oil make it, in essence, a natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antiprotozoal food.

Coconut oil's antimicrobial effects come from its unique composition of MCFAs.  All of these fatty acids (when converted into free fatty acids or monoglycerides) exhibit antimicrobial properties, some to a greater extent than others.  This is an exciting area of research because it involves a readily available food source that can be used to both treat and prevent infection illness.


Coconut Oil - Scientific Research

Page 69 - The marvellous thing about using coconut oil to treat or prevent these conditions is that while coconut oil is deadly to disease-causing microorganisms, it is harmless to humans.  The fatty acids that make coconut oil so effective against germs are the same ones nature has put into mother's milk to protect children. Human breast milk and the milk of other mammals all contain small amounts of MCFAs.  This is why butter, which is concentrated milk fat, also contains MCFA.  Breast milk, with its medium-chain fatty acids, protects the newborn baby from harmful germs while its immune system is still developing, its most vulnerable time of life.  This is one of the reasons why coconut oil or MCFAs are added to infant formula.  A mother who consumes coconut oil will have more MCFAs in her milk to help protect and nourish her baby.  If it's safe enough for a newborn baby, it is safe enough for us.  Nature made MCFAs to nourish and protect us against infection illnesses.


Page 73 - Coconut oil is comprised of about 48 percent lauric acid, 18 percent myristic acid, 7 percent capric acid, 8 percent caprylic acid and 0.5 percent caproic acid.  These fatty acids give coconut oil its amazing antimicrobial properties and are generally absent from all other vegetable and animal oils, with the exception of palm kernel oil.  Most of the remaining fatty acids in coconut oil have little, if any, antimicrobial effect.

Photo: Prasad VR, flickr

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