Olie® Naturals Anal Gland Support

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"Teddy" Photo: Paul Berkhout

Anal Gland Support

One of the most important functions of your pet’s anal glands is the elimination of toxins. Scooting (butt dragging), butt licking, and anal sac swelling/infection are merely symptoms of a deeper health concern. While manual expression provides immediate care for glands, toxin buildup is a risk to overall health that’s best addressed by dealing with the root causes.

The most likely cause is diet.

Problems stem from:

#1) deficiencies in nutrients essential to proper elimination and  

#2) processed kibble/canned diets high in preservatives and chemicals.

Toxins overburden both the liver and good bacteria in the intestines which are responsible for their elimination.

Without key nutrients like minerals, B12, and phytonutrients like chlorophyll and bioflavonoids, the body cannot efficiently make what it needs to eliminate toxins (for example enzymes).  Additionally, if your pet was born with a sensitive digestive tract, he/she may not absorb nutrients as readily as pets lucky to inherit more robust constitutions.

Did you know?

Most plants are deficient in mineral because of soil erosion and over-farming the land but Alfalfa roots can grow more than 15 feet deep so alfalfa plants can capture a lot of minerals vs other foods.

Solid Ground® works to prevent anal gland problems providing the main function of detoxifying the body.

The ingredients in this unique blend allow this to happen naturally:

  • Milk thistle aids the liver to detox  
  • Astragalus is the traditional Chinese herb to fortify the body against infections  
  • protein-digesting enzymes like the bromelain from pineapple are needed to break down toxins and also walls of infecting organisms  
  • high antioxidants (from berries, chlorophyll plants, lignans) prevent infection from taking hold and they prevent inflammation from getting out of control  
  • minerals are needed too and these are found in the bioavailable form in Alfalfa and spirulina
  • lignans help support balanced hormones which can be a cause of anal problems.

Lignans also smooth bowel movements to remove food toxins in the bowel before they have a chance to enter the bloodstream. They also provide prebiotics to good bacteria whose job it is to keep levels of pathogens under control, and of course, they have one of the highest ORAC antioxidant rating in the formula.

Solid Ground 500g

A broad spectrum of the antioxidants is needed by the body and microbiome to make compounds that are part of the whole detox pathway.

Solid Ground® Ingredients:

Organic Flaxseed, Raspberry, Blueberry, Maqui Berry, Pineapple, Astragalus, Spirulina, Milk thistle, Kale, Alfalfa

The Nature's Intelligence stamp is on all of our labels. It is our guarantee to you that you are choosing the best for your family. Our products are made with mindfully selected whole foods and gratitude for what nature provides.

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