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"Whiskey" is a 3 month old Rag Doll kitten!

Olie® Naturals Kitten Wellness

Coconut Crumble®

Prebiotic Fibre

Fibre is very important to a kitten’s diet – it is necessary to feed the good bacteria so they are able to do their best work in digesting food.  Also, cats are obligate carnivores so they must eat a mainly meat diet.

In nature, a kitten would consume birds, mice and other small prey.  Along with meat and organs, the kitten would consume feathers, bones and fur which act as fibre in their diet. They also consume the stomach contents of the prey, which consist of partially-digested plants. While living in our homes, it can be challenging to mimic this natural diet.  


Here is how Coconut Crumble can help:

Why Choose Olie® Naturals’ Coconut Crumble®?

Coconut Crumble® contains whole, raw, gently-processed coconut. Coconut contains prebiotic fibers to feed and maintain a healthy pet microbiome. Lauric, capric and caprylic medium chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) within Coconut Crumble® soothe and reduce inflammation levels in the entire digestive tract.

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Coconut Crumble®  454g

Coconut Crumble® on its own or in conjunction with New Beginnings® Pet Probiotic supports digestive health. Coconut Crumble® contains prebiotic fibres to feed and maintain a healthy pet microbiome. Lauric, capric, and caprylic medium chain fatty acids (MCFA's) within Coconut Crumble® soothe and reduce inflammation levels in the entire digestive tract. They also support gut lining integrity which helps prevent leaky gut from causing inflammation elsewhere in the body. Another benefit of coconut fibre, not found in other types of fibre, is that it is traditionally been used as a nutrient to expel intestinal worms.

Coconut Crumble® is simple, containing only 1 ingredient: Whole, Organic, Raw Coconut.

Did you know?

Prebiotics are types of dietary fiber that feed the gut friendly bacteria

Coconut Crumble® Pet


Coconut Oil Pet 500mL

New Beginnings® Pet 500mL and 1L

The Nature's Intelligence stamp is on all of our labels. It is our guarantee to you that you are choosing the best for your family. Our products are made with mindfully selected whole foods and gratitude for what nature provides.

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