Olie® Naturals Seniors

New Beginnings® Pet Probiotic

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"Charlie" at age 13 on Canada Day! She enjoyed all products for 7 years.


As dogs age, we may notice that their digestion is not as good as it used to be.  This is, in part, due to the fact that their bodies are producing less enzymes.  Enzymes are essential to digestion.  

Enzymes are readily found in whole foods so using whole food wellness supplements is a great way to provide support.


New Beginnings® Pet Probiotic 500mL & 1L

Why Choose New Beginnings® Pet Probiotic?

Have you ever noticed wild animals seek out fallen fruit that is fermenting on the ground in late fall?  Or wondered why dogs who have plenty access to food bury a bone only to dig it up and eat it at a later time?

Animals have an innate understanding that fermentation creates valuable health-promoting compounds.

Nature doesn’t use artificial freeze dehydration processes, emulsifiers, preservatives, or binding agents to create probiotics, and neither does Olie®Naturals!  Historically, both people and animals have gotten probiotics from eating fermented foods.  That is why our New Beginnings®Pet Probiotic is created from feeding carefully selected bacteria organic herbs and organic molasses and allowing them to naturally ferment.

This fermentation process means the probiotics within New Beginnings® are vibrantly alive, in an easy-to-absorb liquid form, with an acid pH made by the probiotics themselves. Unlike powdered probiotics rendered alkaline through artificial processing, our probiotics have a natural pH similar to pet’s digestive tracts.  This gives the probiotics in New Beginnings® an opportunity to provide benefits throughout your pet’s whole digestive tract, not just in its intestines.  

In nature, probiotics never occur in isolation. Good bacteria are constantly responding to their environment by using the nutrients in foods as raw materials to create a whole new “postbiotic” chemical compounds. Studies show postbiotics improve the survival and health of both the good bacteria and their host.

New Beginnings® Pet Probiotic is the natural choice for pet owners who seek a blend of nature’s most healing substances: fermented herbs and probiotics.

Well known benefits of probiotics include:

*improved digestive health

*increased bioavailability of hard-to-absorb food nutrients

*stronger immunity and protection from pathogens

*restoration of gut health after antibiotic use

*better detoxification and elimination

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The Nature's Intelligence stamp is on all of our labels. It is our guarantee to you that you are choosing the best for your family. Our products are made with mindfully selected whole foods and gratitude for what nature provides.

Did you know?

Scientists estimate that at least 80% of our immune system is in the gut.

New Beginning ® Pet Probiotic Ingredients:

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Water, Organic Cane Molasses, Organic Anise, Organic Dill, Organic Fennel, Organic Rosemary, Organic Thyme.

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