Olie® Naturals Skin and Coat Health

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"Jingles" is a 15 year old feline who likes to look out at the world!

Did you know?

Your pet's skin is one of the largest organs of its body.

The skin and coat of your companion animal is so much more than the fluffy exterior that covers them and that you love to pet and cuddle. The skin regulates their body temperature while it provides protection from harmful influences outside of the body like bacteria. It contains blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat and oil glands and helps with the elimination of waste. The coat helps to protect from environmental factors such as the sun, rain, cold, heat, and insects.

Healthy skin and coat comes from within. You can literally tell a lot about the whole health of your cat or dog simply from their skin and coat.

A luxurious thick shiny coat says better overall health than a thin, old, dry or dull coat.

Coconut Oil  500mL

Flax Unleashed® 500g and 1kg

The Nature's Intelligence stamp is on all of our labels. It is our guarantee to you that you are choosing the best for your family. Our products are made with mindfully selected whole foods and gratitude for what nature provides.

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Coconut Oil has medium chain fatty-acids that have antimicrobial properties. This is great for skin and coat health of your companion animal as it soothes the skin and adds lustre to hair and coat texture.

Medium chain fatty acids like those found in Coconut Oil may help with a variety of skin and coat conditions.

Coconut Oil has a positive effect on the tissues of the body, especially the connective tissue. Connective tissue holds everything together and consists of strong fibres that support and form the framework of the dog or cat’s body. This gives the skin strength and elasticity.


Did you Know?

The ratio of LAURIC acid to other medium chain fatty acids found in Coconut Oil is similar to that found in mother’s milk.

Feeding the Skin for health

Flax Unleashed®

The skin is an organ that must continually regenerate itself. Special nutrients that are necessary to help with this process are not able to be made by the body so must be obtained by supplementing the diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are at the top of list to achieve this. Essential fatty acids are necessary nutrients for moisturizing the skin from within and to prevent the breakdown of collagen.


Did you know?

Dry patches on elbows and knees can be caused from low levels of Omega 3’s in a pet’s diet.

Flax Unleashed® is not your average oil. It contains a high concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids that are easily digested because it is presented as a whole food.

Flax Unleashed® is high in Omega 3 which decreases the inflammation components in the skin. Flax is the highest plant source of omega 3. What makes Flax Unleashed so unique is that it is an organic plant based omega 3 supplement in a whole food format which concentrates flax seed's other beneficial nutrients like lignan and antioxidants.

Deficiencies in Omega 3s are associated with inflammatory problems throughout the body including:

  • skin and coat problems
  • allergies

Omega 3 fat is essential for health. It is required to keep inflammation under control.

Flax Unleashed® Ingredients:

Organic cold pressed flax oil, and organic flax fibre.

Coconut Oil Ingredients: Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil.

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All the information and materials contained on this website including video, graphics, text or otherwise are for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.